The Matthews Lab receives generous funding from NSERC, and was awarded a research infrastructure grant from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation's John R. Evans Leaders Fund to establish a facility for the study of Insect Adaptability and Physiology (FSIAP)
Grants Received:
Current and past projects are outlined below.
Darner nymph exuviae (Aeshna sp.)
Respiratory physiology of developmentally amphibious insects
Aquatic dragonfly nymph (Aeshna sp.)
Buoyancy control in aquatic Chaoborus larvae
Head and anterior air-sac pair of Chaoborus americanus larva
Biomechanics, energetics and scaling of xylem-feeding insects
The common meadow froghopper Philaenus spumarius
Discontinuous breathing patterns in cockroaches
Nauphoeta cinerea cockroaches photographed while breathing continuously (top) and discontinuously (bottom)
Past Projects
Implantable fluorescent sensors for O2 measurement
~50 um-diameter silicone beads produced using microfluidics
Hot flowers: thermogenic waterlilies
Victoria cruziana flower in cross-section showing the large floral chamber. The flower can increase the temperature in this chamber by up to 10 °C above the temperature of the ambient air
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